About Sandi Metz

In the past 30+ years, Sandi Metz has written innumerable applications, many of which are still running today. Sandi is a master of practical solutions that produce working software that is easy to change. She focuses on simplicity via clear code and straightforward explanations, and strives for these in her software and her writing.

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99 Bottles of OOP

Everything you need to know about Object-Oriented Programming is hidden inside of '99 Bottles of Beer' and here's the book to prove it. Distilled from Sandi Metz's POOD Course, the book is written by Sandi Metz and Katrina Owen.

"Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it." Likewise, everyone has an opinion about what good code looks like, but those opinions don't help you create it. This book fills that gap. It explains the process of writing good code, and teaches you to achieve beautifully programmed ends by way of extremely practical means.